i've always thought that i won't be this sad but yeah, im only human...as i am the eldest, i was left with a lot of advices from umi and ayah..''kakak jaga adik baik2 tau'', ''janji jangan tinggal solat'', kakak this kakak dan sebagainye..ahah..i guess i will be missing them a lot..ye lah, they'll be gone for 50 days..i will always pray that they'll have a safe and peaceful journey.
Selamat berangkat umi ayah and kikib dan semoga mendapat haji yang mabrur.
hey pipol!
im not that normal around the closest people in my life but outside im pretty normal..i hate changes but i welcome it as best as i can..im allergic to bullshit and i hate prawns..oh,and turning 20 in 2009 sucks because im also allergic to aging..enough said.
1 kofomentfent:
Semoga mendapat haji yang mabrur. Amin Ya Rabbalalamin :)
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