Tuesday, April 1, 2008

No pain , No gain!

i figured out that i was wrong treating myself like this..it doesn't mean that i flunked 2 subjects its the end of the world..i got to get over it somehow..
i've realised that there is no success without hardship..well,its my silly fault i flunked..its because i didn't work hard enough..well,if we wish to enjoy pleasures,we must also endure pains.like it or not, we cannot have one without the other..we'll find all things are difficult before they are easy and the greater the obstacles, the more glory in overcoming them.i've also realised that i have to go through the negative before i get to the positive..
No pain, no gain..No thorns, no throne.No cross, no crown..ahah..&& i have also learnt that i should be nicer to myself..thanks ruki!.
yeah!..no dumb kayra anymore!..i can do better than this.
now i have new missions to accomplish for semester 3..hopefully next semester would be my last semester at CENfos..

i'll pray for my success and everybody's..

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